Question 1/4
Have your experiences, identities, or views been represented in evaluation and assessment?
Please enter your response below
Question 2/4
The network has processes for establishing and regularly reviewing shared aims, aligned activities, targets, measures, and outcomes that are co-created and valued by members of the network.
Click here for examples
Network members have a voice in shaping the evolving work of the network.
The network’s aims, decisions, and actions are grounded in making positive changes for students and families affected directly by inequity.
The network demonstrates an understanding of the ways in which power and systems of oppression impact outcomes for students and families affected by inequity and this understanding is reflected in activities that address these root causes.
The network creates opportunities for those directly affected by inequity to shape the work of the network – local experiences and wisdom, including personal narratives and stories, are integrated into the aims and ongoing practice of the network.
Question 3/4
The network has processes in place to support authentic and equitable design of network events, prioritization of topics, and exchange of learning and resources across network and community members.
Question 4/4
The network has robust and inclusive data, learning, and knowledge management routines that support continuous improvement toward network outcomes.
Click here for examples
Network outcomes and the data that inform them are co-determined, meaningful, and accessible to all network participants.
The network regularly reviews data to assess differentiated impact on students and families affected by inequity and to adjust its work accordingly.
Network members and students and families affected by inequity participate in the sharing, publishing, and presenting of the network’s work and impact.